olin Coleman Music

Id 29724
Category antiquarian music
Author / Composer RAUZZINI, Venanzio (1746-1810), VENTO, Mattia (1735-1776)
Title Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord with an Accompanyment for a Violin, Op.8. [Score]. London, Sold by Welcker, [1781]. RISM A/I/7 R 427 references four copies. BUC p.875. LibraryHub references two copies (BL, Bath); [with] VENTO, The last Sett of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Piano Forte, being a Part of the posthumus [sic] Works of the late Mr. Mathias Vento. London, printed for the Benefit of the Widow And Sold at her House, No.10 Stafford Row Buckingham Gate, and at Mrs. Welcker' Music Shop, [1776?]. RISM A/I/9 and A/I/14 V 1176, not in BUC.
Place London
Publisher Sold by Welcker / printed for the Benefit of the Widow
Publication Date [1781] / [1776?]
ISBN / Plate No.
Size Folio. [i (title)], 43; [i (title)], 19pp.
Description Mottled half calf (backstrip worn, front joint split) with marbled boards, red leather label, gilt. Engraved. A large wide-margined pair.
Reference RISM A/I/7 R 427 references four copies. BUC p.875. LibraryHub references two copies (BL, Bath).
Price £425.00

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