olin Coleman Music

Id 29793
Category artwork
Author / Composer [BARTOLOZZI, Francesco (1727-1815), engraver]
Title Dr. Arne, done from an Original Sketch by F. Bartolozzi. [Stipple engraving].
Place [London]
Publisher Pubd. as the Act directs by W. Humphrey
Publication Date May 10th, 1782
ISBN / Plate No.
Size 272 x 188mm.; image = 215 x 159mm.
Description Single sheet stipple engraving, some creasing and a few brown spots. Arne is depicted three-quarter-length, standing in profile to the right at a harpsichord, wearing bag-wig and sword, in court dress; "the exaggeration of his elongated melancholy face and the position of the hands give the character of a caricature" (M. Dorothy George). The original drawing, attributed to Bartolozzi, evidently a sketch from life, is in the Royal Collection at Windsor
Price £60.00

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